How long will it take for me to get better?
How quickly you recover is determined by many factors unique to you. These factors include the extent of damaged tissue, how long you have had the injury, your nutritional habits, your emotional state, the state of your immune and endocrine systems, your genetic predisposition and other factors. We will review these factors with you when you come in for your evaluation. If appropriate, we can refer you to a physician or other practitioner who can address specific needs. Your body’s response to exercises and manual techniques will also help us to estimate how long it could take for you to regain function.
How many times will I need to come in?
After your evaluation, you and your therapist will determine the number of times you will need to be seen. The extent and seriousness of your injury will be a primary consideration for determining the amount of treatment you will need. On average, we see clients 1-2 times a week for 4-8 weeks.
Why should I receive physical therapy for my injury?
Physical therapy assists your body to make a complete recovery and restore you to full function. This is accomplished by designing a very specific treatment program for the injured area. A physical injury damages your muscles, nerves, ligaments, cartilage, tendons, and blood vessels. It is a big challenge for your body to restore everything back to normal. In fact, the repair process may not be fully completed. Even if the pain is gone, you may develop scar tissue, adhesions, or a weak tissue structure that is susceptible to re-injury.
Can I continue my regular exercises?
A skilled and experienced physical therapist will carefully evaluate the extent and nature of your injury, as well as your ability and desire to exercise. We will probably prescribe a specific rehabilitation exercise program for you until you have recovered from your injury. However, if we think continuing your regular exercise program would be beneficial, we will encourage you to continue.
Is “no pain, no gain” true for physical therapy?
“No pain, no gain” is a misconception. Physical therapy for injuries is not the same as physical training for competitive sports. Pain causes muscle contraction and guarding, inflammation, and restricted range of motion. This leads to the continuation of the pain cycle and inappropriate movement patterns that can lead to further injury. In addition, chronic inflammation weakens connective tissue and leads to scar tissue formation. This is why our physical therapy programs are designed to avoid pain.
Can my pain be controlled without pain medication?
With connective tissue injury, pain starts because your tissue is structurally stressed or inflamed. We can help you reduce inflammation by prescribing circulation exercises to flush inflammatory substances out of the injured area. This in itself will diminish your pain. Then, by rebuilding the tissues and eliminating poor joint biomechanics, we can further diminish your pain or even eliminate it.
What is pain?
Pain is a response that travels to your brain by way of your nervous system. Your nerves are like little sensors all over your body. Once they become stimulated, an electrical signal travels to your brain to let you know something is wrong. This is “pain”.
Do you treat chronic pain, myofascial pain, fibromyalgia, or chronic fatigue syndrome?
Yes. Chronic pain is a complex syndrome involving your connective tissue, circulatory and nervous systems, endocrine system, nutritional status, immune system, and your emotional state. It may be caused by physical trauma, emotional trauma, toxicity, chemical sensitivity, or endocrine or digestive disorders. The New Heights staff is trained to understand chronic pain syndromes and has developed therapies to promote healing and reduce pain. We are experienced in treating chronic pain, myofascial pain, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Who can refer to a physical therapist?
Medical doctors, chiropractors, naturopathic physicians, nurse practitioners, acupuncturists and osteopathic doctors can refer you for physical therapy. Due to our special training you can also refer yourself without a doctor’s prescription.
What should I wear to my appointment?
Wear loose, comfortable clothing. If you have a low back or knee injury, bring a pair of shorts or sweatpants.
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