
Wrist Mobility

April 28, 2023

How many times a day do you use your wrists? From brushing your teeth in the morning to turning off the light to go to bed at night, your wrists likely get used quite a bit. When we think of strength training or mobility we don’t often think of wrist mobility even though it’s so important. Wrist mobility is important for a variety of activities that require the use of your hands and wrists, such as typing, playing an instrument, lifting weights, or even just using a computer mouse. Poor wrist mobility can lead to discomfort, pain, and even injury.

Complicated in it’s own way, the wrist joint, or radiocarpal joint, should be strengthened and moved through a comfortable range of motion pretty often. Improving wrist mobility can help reduce the risk of the problems mentioned before, and can also improve your overall range of motion and flexibility. Here are some tips on how to improve your wrist mobility:

  • Wrist Circles: Start by extending your arms out in front of you and rotating your wrists in circles. This exercise can be done with your palms facing up or down.

  • Finger Stretching: Hold your hand out in front of you with your fingers spread apart. Slowly curl your fingers in towards your palm, then release them and stretch them out again.

  • Wrist Flexion and Extension: Sit with your forearm resting on a table or bench, with your hand hanging over the edge. Gently flex your wrist up towards you and then extend it down.

  • Wrist Rotations: Hold a light weight (such as a small dumbbell or a can of food) in your hand and rotate your wrist up and down, with your arm resting on a table.

  • Wrist Flexor and Extensor Stretch: Hold your arm out in front of you, with your palm facing down. Use your other hand to gently pull your fingers towards your wrist until you feel a stretch in your forearm. Then, flip your hand over so that your palm is facing up, and repeat the stretch.

It's important to perform these exercises slowly and carefully, without forcing any movements that cause pain or discomfort. If you have any concerns about your wrist mobility or experience pain during any of these exercises, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional (like Dr. Maggs at PPC!). 


Improving wrist mobility can help reduce the risk of the problems mentioned before, and can also improve your overall range of motion and flexibility.

Peak Performance Care

in Sonora CA

13949 Mono Way

PO Box 4143

Sonora, CA 95370


(209) 532 1288

Fax: (209) 230 9529

Monday/Wednesday: 8am-5:30pm

Tuesday/Thursday: 6am-5pm

Friday: 6am-2pm

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