
Revive Sonora with “10 Businesses in 10 Weeks"

Revive Sonora with “10 Businesses in 10 Weeks"

Ellora Maggs

Nov. 19, 2020

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What a wild first half of 2020… It is through challenges that we find our deepest strengths, and it is through moments like these that we find time to realize what is most important to us. For many, this time has been a reflection on the priority of family time. For others, this was an unprecedented ‘iceberg’ that forced creative thinking, quick decision-making, and strength to find the hidden energy to carry on. And for all of us, this has been a test of our positive mindset and the faith we have in the good in our community and our greater world.

This community initiative we have called “Revive Sonora” is meant to prop our neighbors UP after a stressful 3+ month limbo and to show them the love and support that we all desperately need to know we are on the right track and are serving our communities well. As a business owner, I am the first to report that in these last 3 months the hours have been long, the stress levels have fluctuated but have often been quite high, and the existential question of “am I doing the right thing?” has come up more in the last 3 months than it did in the last 3 years. I am guessing that some other business owners might be feeling the same way… And yet I feel like one of the lucky ones. As a Physical Therapy office, we were allowed to stay open. Not all businesses were able to do this. So for those businesses who are just now opening, please join us in showing these courageous leaders that they ARE on the right track, that this community DOES support and appreciate them, and that TOGETHER our amazing and resilient community will bounce back.

Why is Peak Performance Care doing this??

You might think that this is not necessarily a direct connection with what we do... But our mission is to empower and educate people to help them live their healthiest and most active lives possible. We have seen a lot of people struggle both physically and mentally through this time, and we realize that simply addressing physical strength/mobility/balance might not be an adequate recipe for success as we come out of this strange time. It is through community engagement, optimism and feeling GOOD about your actions that the mental and emotional fatigue can start to turn around. At Peak Performance Care, we care for ALL of you – not just your low back pain. And right now, the low back pain might be the least of our concerns! We hope that this initiative sparks positive dialogue, harmony amongst community, and most importantly a REVIVAL of our wonderful town with a surge of an economic recovery.

Here’s what to expect:

We will showcase 1 business each week for the next 10 weeks to give you some insight into the backstory of their business, the many ways they support our community, and most importantly give you a human connection to the people leading that business. It is in this way that shopping at this business will make you FEEL GOOD about supporting your community, and you will have a more personal connection to the immediate impact your dollars will have to the people involved in that business.

We have opened up a special site to allow everyone to nominate their favorite small business in the broader Sonora community. Please click the link below to be directed to that site. And due to popular demand, we have decided to keep the nomination link OPEN and ACTIVE throughout these 10 weeks, so don’t hesitate to continue to spread the word and encourage your friends and neighbors to participate as well.

And, as always, if you have any aches and pains that have arisen with your new routine, we are here to help you sort them out. We have helped many people just like you, and it all started with a phone call. Please click the link below if you’d like to speak with me on the phone to see if we are a good fit for you.

Thank you for your support! We are excited to embark on this 10-week journey with you!



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Peak Performance Care

in Sonora CA

13949 Mono Way

PO Box 4143

Sonora, CA 95370


(209) 532 1288

Fax: (209) 230 9529

Monday/Wednesday: 8am-5:30pm

Tuesday/Thursday: 6am-5pm

Friday: 6am-2pm


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